Thank you for your past volunteer service – we are excited you are interested in continuing to volunteer with 十大正规网赌软件 or take on a new volunteer role! If you have previously reviewed the information below, you can go directly to the 志愿者门户. 有关导航门户的技术提示,请参阅我们的 门户网站指南.
原因如下, volunteers must update their applications at least two (2) weeks before the expected volunteer service start date. 建议进行为期一个月的夜间实地考察.
- SPS receives up to 15,000 volunteer applications and renewals each year. 你学校的 志愿者项目联络 (VPL) and one central office staff member must approve each volunteer.
- 由于 削减预算, 许多学校办公室的职位被削减了50%或被取消, 中央办公室的工作人员正在承担额外的职责.
- VPL duties are carried out by one school office staff member, who also has many other responsibilities.
请浏览我们的 志愿者门户指南 获取分步说明.
Follow steps 1-3 below even if your application was approved prior to the current school year.
1. 志愿者手册
仔细检讨我们的 网上义工手册 to learn about laws and policies volunteers are required to follow, 志愿者的权利, 以及成功的志愿服务小贴士.
2. Renew or update your volunteer application (renewal includes Background Check)
访问您的志愿者信息 志愿者门户,你可以:
- 将你现有的申请转到其他SPS学校,
- approve a new background check if expired (required every two years),
- 更新你的犯罪记录,如果适用的话,
- 添加或更新联系人或紧急信息.
If you experience problems updating or renewing your volunteer application, visit our 志愿者门户指南 的建议.
3. 学校批准
The 学校志愿者项目联络员 will verify your information before your first volunteer shift at a new school. 如果 学校志愿者项目联络员 confirms your identity and verifies that you completed the correct background check type, they will add your name to their school’s “Approved 志愿者s List.”
If you have questions about your application or background check, 给学校办公室打电话 or 给志愿者项目联络人发邮件.
If you don’t plan on returning to any SPS school as a volunteer, you can opt out of volunteering via one of the following methods:
- 通过网上表格递交辞呈.
- When you receive an email from our volunteer application system requesting that you renew your application, look for an “opt-out” link at the bottom and click for instructions.
- We will email you every two years to allow you to renew or opt out of volunteering.
We archive applications that have been expired for more than two years.